Extension & Enrichment Activities
Alongside your child's weekly Maths/English homework (see the weekly Google Classroom Stream) there are also supplementary tasks which should be completed weekly. Our homework policy for year 6 is avaliable to view in the policies section of our school website.
Your child should be:
- Reading regularly and using their purple Reading Record/Book (see below on ideas to use this).
- Reading Comprehension to be completed weekly- Read Theory Quiz; Reading and questioning with a parent;
- English homework- written piece every other week, supplemented by Reading Hub/School competitions, Topic related homework;
- Maths homework- written piece every other week, supplemented by Times Table Rockstars; ; ;

Practise any spellings that you find tricky by writing them in compound and complex sentences. Explore 'word families' by adding prefixes and suffixes, e.g. believe > believable > unbelievable. Can you list synonyms and antonyms related to your words? Can you create a mnemonic to help you remember how to spell your words? E.g. Never Eat Chips Eat Salad Sandwiches And Remain Young.
Year 5/6 Spelling List (see attched file)

Try to read as often as possible, aiming for a minimum of 15 minutes per day. It is important to read outloud too so that intonation can be practiced and fluency improved. Remember to use your Purple Book to record any reading you have done and to write about what you have read whenever possible. This might include a creating a character profile, writing a vivid setting description, or drafting the opening chapter of a sequel to a book you have really enjoyed. Also, try to make a habit of 'magpying' any ambitious vocabulary or sophisticated descriptive phrases away in your Vocabulary Book. Feel free to use your Vocabulary Books to inspire your writing at any time. Look out for any Reading Hub competitions too!
Suggested reading- See Pie Corbett Reading Spines

As they form the basis for so many aspects of Mathematics, continue to practise your times tables as often as possible. Challenge yourself to recall times tables even faster! Follow the links below to practise times table and division facts.

National Curriculum Assessment (KS2)
The National Curriculum Assessment tests (known as SATs) have been scheduled for week beginning May 8th 2023.
Below are links to some useful websites that may help you to practise your skills at home - there are more in the Files section.
And for any parents/carers a little over-awed by all of the terminology, here is a helpful glossary of key English Grammar and Punctuation terms that may be of use.