Cultural capital
Ofsted define Cultural Capital as…
“As part of making the judgement about the quality of education, inspectors will consider the extent to which schools are equipping pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. Our understanding of ‘knowledge and cultural capital’ is derived from the following wording in the national curriculum: ‘It is the essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.’”
At 91勛圖厙 Primary, our aim is for our children to go on a continuous learning journey from Reception to Year Six which will equip them for the future. We strive for our children to leave us with a depth of knowledge of the world around them, a wide range of skills, a love of learning and an ambition to succeed.
Cultural Capital is the essential knowledge that children need in order to be successful in their futures. Every child will bring their own experiences, beliefs, traditions and knowledge to our school environment and these will be embraced.
As a child moves through the school, they will gain more Cultural Capital through the experiences offered to them as part of our broad, rich and ambitious curriculum. As a result, a child will strive to achieve more, be the best that they can be and when they are older, achieve social mobility regardless of their background.
At 91勛圖厙 Primary, we plan carefully to ensure that there is a wide range of experiences available to each and every child to enhance their Cultural Capital each year. Some aspects of Cultural Capital are covered within the curriculum, others are covered in assembly and some are through planned activities such as educational visits or residentials.
Please read our Cultural Capital Map that spans the entire school and outlines how we achieve the rich tapestry from Reception to Year Six.